Monday, February 17, 2014

Basic chain insert mesh brush in zbrush.

Changed some of the proportion to help the silhouette and made the horns less *fabulous*
"This Guy" on the left is the updated one


  1. Not a huge character guy, but I'll try to help out some. I think overall the head and neck area are too small, a character that big and buff should have one of the more gnarly body builder necks. These guys here is a little more of what I would expect on a character this size.

    Also I'm not sure if you're trying to make him in a more aggressive sort of character like in your reference or not, but if you are his face is too circular and needs to be more triangular like this guy here.

    The horns on that guy are a little lack luster as well, they're kind of just plopped on there now. Something a little more incorporated into his actual skull I think would work out a bit better, like this guy here.

    It looks like you can just pop those horns off your guy, but in that ref. those things are going nowhere. He looks more like he can use them to just skewer people and they're not just there as a decoration.

  2. Thanks for the crit. Those are some gnarly awesome references, I'll work on that neck/head area some more next. And yes, currently the horns are just a floating subtool, I plan to incorporate them a little better when I visit that area for more detail
